Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thank You…

To my fellow PUP's and the thousands of Belizeans who joined us in Dangriga,

I write this letter to say thank you for giving me your endorsement and choosing me to represent you as the new PUP Party Chairman.

As a staunch PUP, my heart was bursting with pride to see the overwhelming support at our National Convention on Sunday.  At a time when being a PUP means being victimized and discriminated against by a corrupt UDP Government, it is reassuring to know that our Party and our Party supporters will no longer be kept down, will no longer be suppressed.  At times like these, it is reassuring to know that you have heard the battle cry to unite, to come together, to work together to remove the shackles that the UDP has used to try to imprison our minds and our spirits.

Like the phoenix, we have arisen from the ashes of slumber and hopelessness with the cry "P.U.P. All the Way." We are ready! We want change and we want it now!

There is no doubt in anyone's mind that Belize needs a change.  Our beautiful country, that was once so ripe with potential, has seen some of its darkest days recently.  Crime is out of control, the economy is stagnant and suffering, the standard of living has declined significantly. The government has figuratively devalued our dollar. We are saddled with a government with no vision.  Yes, we have a UDP Government that chooses to serve only its chosen few-those who are more equal to them and has forgotten about the country and its people.  We have a UDP Government who uses victimization and oppression to keep Belizeans afraid to speak up.  We can remain quiet no longer.  We can remain afraid no more.

It is time for us to begin the work of rebuilding the country.  It is time for us to work together, UNIFIED under the leadership of Hon. John Briceño, to take back Belize.  It is time for the PUP. The party is nothing without its supporters.  We need you all.  We need you to stand together and work for Belize.

As the new Chairman, I will do my best-to serve you, to keep the Blue Machine moving forward.  I will do my best to keep the Party working.  I will do my best to make sure that all your interests and concerns are always represented and considered.

Serve the People – the Party's motto – my promise – I thank you.

Que viva PUP!  Que Viva Belize!  Long live our Party!  Long live our Belize!


Henry C. Usher

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Source: The Belize Times


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